Creating a PDF for album proofing

Easily Share and Get Approval for Your Album Designs

With Album TD, sharing your album design with clients for approval is effortless. The software generates a PDF file containing all album spreads, along with the filenames of the images used. Your clients can easily review the design, provide comments, and request changes, ensuring a smooth approval process.

This feature is available in the main menu under Export to JPG / TIF.

Creating a PDF document for album proofing with Album TD
PDF created with Album TD for album proofing by clientes

Easily Retrieve and Export Your Album Images

Once the design is approved, you can generate a TXT file listing all the images used in the album. This file is created using the same export option and is saved in the same folder as the PDF, with the same name.

To quickly locate the images in Lightroom, simply copy the filenames from the TXT file and paste them into Lightroom’s filter field. Lightroom will display all the images used in the album, allowing you to export them effortlessly.

Lightroom filters images used in the album